MLR Review

We combine process expertise with regulatory know-how to support pharmaceutical companies in the efficient approval of marketing materials. Our approach: A centrally controlled MLR review process.


MLR Review

We combine process expertise with regulatory know-how to support pharmaceutical companies in the efficient approval of marketing materials. Our approach: A centrally controlled MLR review process.

Harmonization and digitalization: The answer to growing complexity in the MLR process

Successful market access and faster market penetration in the pharmaceutical industry not only require first-class products, but also effective medical, legal and regulatory approval processes. In addition to high fines, violations can also lead to considerable loss of sales if, for example, approval issues delay marketing.

The increasing complexity of the MLR process is also due to stricter regulatory requirements, shorter launch cycles, a growing variety of personalized therapy approaches and target group-specific marketing messages across various channels.

msg industry advisors have extensive process know-how paired with specific regulatory expertise. As a result, we can provide you with optimal support and assistance in implementing efficient MLR review processes.

     Julia orth

              Julia Orth

     +49 172 1706992

    Contact us

Efficient market access through optimization of approval processes

Pharmaceutical companies face the challenge of managing historically grown, decentralized approval processes for various target markets, which makes planning global product launches and marketing activities considerably more difficult. Media breaks and legacy systems lead to a loss of efficiency, increase the susceptibility to errors and cause high manual effort.

The harmonization and digitalization of local processes, which we refer to as "seamless approval workflows" (SAW), shortens the "time-to-publish" for marketing materials with the help of a centrally controlled MLR review system. In addition, manual steps are automated and the risk of compliance violations is minimized through a central asset management system as the "single source of truth". It also makes it possible to run approval processes for different markets in parallel and thus support a global marketing roll-out. .

Process expertise meets regulatory know-how

We at msg industry advisors are known for our combined in-depth process expertise and comprehensive knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements. This enables us to support you in creating the technical and procedural requirements for a highly efficient, reliable and legally compliant MLR review process.

Our services include:

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Process optimization:

We analyze and optimize existing approval processes in terms of efficiency and legal compliance.
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Technology selection

We can advise you on the selection of suitable software solutions to support the MLR review process, regardless of the manufacturer.
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Roll-out & user enablement:

We assist with the introduction of new MLR review solutions and workflows through user acceptance tests, user training and more.
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Continuous further development:

We continuously develop existing MLR review processes with you, for example to adapt them to new regulatory requirements or to add new functionalities.

Find out how we can help you optimize your MLR review process
and achieve your goals.

Further expertise on Commercial Excellence & Digital Health

Marketing Management

Marketing in the healthcare and life sciences industry: The shift from pure product marketing to the provision of healthcare solutions.


Commercial Digitalization

Discover the future of digital transformation in the healthcare and life sciences industry.


Commercial Data Management

Effective commercial data management is the basis for your market success.


Omnichannel Management

Master the changes in communication in the healthcare and life sciences industry – discover the advantages of the omnichannel approach.


Experience Management

Discover the future of customer experience with experience management in the healthcare and life sciences industry.


Digital Health

Digital health is a key market for innovative companies in the healthcare and life sciences industry.



msg industry advisors ag
Robert-​Bürkle-Straße 1
85737 Ismaning

+49 89 96 10 11 300
+49 89 96 10 11 040


About msg group

msg industry advisors are part of msg, an independent, internationally active group of autonomous companies with more than 10.000 employees.


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